Tobacco Cessation Program

Living nicotine-free

Giving up tobacco or vaping can be difficult, but a nicotine-free lifestyle offers many health benefits and may add years to your life. If you’ve tried to quit before and weren’t successful, don’t be discouraged. Try again. Many people have tried to quit more than once before they succeed.

We’re here to motivate you to quit for good. Our Tobacco Cessation Program (TCP) provides the guidance and support you need to help you kick nicotine and tobacco use, including vaping.

This program includes:

  • Orientation by appointment.
  • One-on-one assessment and personalized treatment plan.
  • Education, support, and possible medication therapy.
  • Participants are encouraged to attend at least 10 of 12 educational sessions in the form of group and one-on-one consultations, but participants may attend as many sessions as needed.

To learn more, please call the Tobacco Cessation Program’s dedicated line at 702-243-8424, TTY 711, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.