Health Needs Survey Form

You do not need to sign in to complete this survey.

Welcome to UnitedHealthcare Health Plan of Nevada Medicaid! Your health is important to us. That’s why we need a little more information to help provide you and your family with quality care to meet your medical needs. Please take a few minutes to fill out this form. Each adult in the home needs to complete their own form. Your answers are confidential and will only be used to assist you and your family with medical care. If you need help filling out this form, call us toll-free at 1-800-962-8074, TTY 711, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. If we have any questions, we may reach out to you.

You may also choose to download a PDF version of the form to be filled out and mailed in.

    Please answer the following questions:

    The Your First Name: field is required.
    The Your Last Name: field is required.
    The Date of Birth: field is required.
    The Medicaid ID #: field is required.
    Do we have permission to contact you by email/text?
    The language(s) we usually speak at home:

    Family members enrolled in Health Plan of Nevada's Medicaid or Nevada Check Up Program are:

    Child 1: Are they up-to-date with all their shots?
    Child 2: Are they up-to-date with all their shots?
    Child 3: Are they up-to-date with all their shots?
    Child 4: Are they up-to-date with all their shots?

    Please answer these questions to help us take better care of you and your family members who are enrolled in Health Plan of Nevada: Your answers are confidential as governed by Federal and State Law, and will only be used to assist you with your medical care. If there are no children in your household, please skip to question #10.

    1. Does your child need or use more medical care, mental health or educational services than is usual for most children of the same age?
    If yes, is this because of any medical or behavioral health condition?
    2. Does your child currently need or take medication prescribed by a doctor (other than vitamins)?
    If yes, is this because of any medical or behavioral health condition?
    3. Is your child limited or prevented in any way in their ability to do the things most children of the same age can do?
    If yes, is this because of any medical or behavioral health condition?
    4. Does your child have any kind of emotional, developmental, or behavioral problem for which they need or get treatment or counseling?
    If yes, is this because of any medical or behavioral health condition?
    5. Does your child have any of the following health concerns?
    6. Does your child have any of the following health conditions?
    7. Has your child had a regular check-up with their doctor in the last year?
    8. Has your child seen a dentist in the last year?
    9. Does your child often feel overwhelmed with stress and anxiety?
    10. During the past year, were you or anyone in your family admitted for an overnight stay in a hospital?
    11. During the past year, have you or anyone in your family received medical care in a hospital emergency room?
    12. Have you ever been told you have one or more of the following medical conditions?
    13. How many different prescription and over-the-counter medications do you take each day?
    14. Have you received any of the following services in the past year?
    15. Are you, or anyone in your household pregnant now? If yes, please provide the following information. Include yourself if it applies.
    Have you or they seen a doctor for this pregnancy?
    Have you or they been told this is a high-risk pregnancy?
    Are you or they on any prescription medications for pain, or other narcotics?
    16. Is it hard for you to concentrate, remember things, or make decisions?
    17. Over the last two weeks, how often have you been bothered by little interest or pleasure in doing things?
    18. Over the last two weeks, how often have you been feeling down, depressed or hopeless?
    19. In the past year, have you been unable to get any of the following when you really needed it?
    20. Has alcohol or drug use made it hard for you to work, keep relationships, or meet goals?
    21. What is your housing situation today?
    22. Have you aged out of the foster care system in the last year?
    23. In the past year, have you spent more than two nights in a jail or prison?
    24. Do you feel physically and emotionally safe where you live right now?
    25. Do you use tobacco products or vape?
    If yes, are you interested in quitting?