Always carry your health plan ID card with you. Show it, along with your state Medicaid ID card, when you fill a prescription and check-in for your medical appointments.
Health Plan ID Card
Everything you need is in your wallet.

Card shown is an example Plan and copays may differ.
Your card includes the following information:
- Type of plan you have.
- Member ID and Group Number: Use these when you register for an online member center account, fill out patient forms or call with questions.
- Benefit code: This tells you what type of benefits are covered by your plan.
- Member Services: Call this number when you can’t find the answer to your benefit question online or need help finding or changing a doctor.
- 24/7 advice nurse: Call this number when you need self-care advice or help deciding where to go for care.
Need a temporary health plan ID card? Sign in to the online member center.
Always carry your State Medicaid ID card with you. It’s your key to coverage and it holds important information. If you haven’t received your State Medicaid card, please call 702-668-4200 or 1-800-992-0900.
Remember to:
- Take your State Medicaid card to your medical appointments.
- Show it when you fill a prescription.